KAT WHALEN / Writer / Director / Producer

Corduroy Roads


Corduroy Road\Cor"du*roy` Road*\(k[^o]r"d[-u]*roi` [r^od]` n.

1. a roadway formed of logs laid side by side across it, as in marshy places; -- so called from its rough or ribbed surface, resembling corduroy. [U.S.]

“A great portion of the way was over what is called a corduroy road, which is made by throwing trunks of trees into a marsh, and leaving them to settle there. The very slightest of the jolts with which the ponderous carriage fell from log to log, was enough, it seemed, to have dislocated all the bones in the human body.”- Charles Dickens, American Notes for General Circulation, 1842

Corduroy Road Productions\ n. the first incarnation of what is now Bar-Oh-W Films back when animation was the primary focus, it now hangs around as an laboratory for the odd animation experiment or exchange of ideas.

A blogspot can be found here.