KAT WHALEN / Writer / Director / Producer


I Don't Talk Service at 50 Years of True Grit with the Oxford American

We were honored to be included in the 50 Years of True Grit celebration in Little Rock this past week. We screened our adaptation of 'I Don’t Talk Service No More’ to a full auditorium not once but twice (second time by audience request!), and shared the stage with Graham Gordy and Kristi McKim to discuss adapting Mr. Portis for the screen.

The devotion of Portis-philes is something to behold, and it was a lucky thing to be among those who gathered to pay tribute.

What a fellowship, what a joy divine... #truegrit50 #oxfordamerican #charlesportis #doublerectifiedbusthead #jayjennings #irisdement #maggiemaye #harrisonscottkey #royblountjr #calvintrillin

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